Association Française d’Agroforesterie


Herds and Trees

The ‘Des Troupeaux et des Arbres’ project run by the Association Française d’Agroforesterie (AFAF) is one of the winning projects in the 2020 call for projects to combat climate change in France. The setec Foundation has committed to subsidising the project to the tune of €20,000 for 2021.

This 6-year project, part of the Agr’eau programme, aims to set up a network of pilot plots in Creuse, Corrèze, Gers and Pyrénées Atlantiques (Adour-Garonne basin) to test and analyse in the field agroforestry technical itineraries incorporating fodder trees in grass-fed livestock systems.

The project

Agroforestry: how to better understand the forest and redefine agriculture

Agroforestry refers to ‘all agricultural practices that integrate trees into the production environment and are inspired, in agronomic terms, by the forest model’. Nowadays, agricultural and livestock production methods are geared towards rapid yields with no regard for the surrounding biodiversity. This lack of an integrated vision has harmful and sometimes irreversible consequences : soil pollution and impoverishment, and a reduction in the soil’s capacity to store carbon.

For farmers practising agroforestry, trees are a solution to many problems: they act as climate buffers. In other words, integrating trees into agricultural production techniques helps to produce, protect and regulate both the micro-climate and the global climate. This is an undeniable advantage, particularly in livestock farming.


Herds and Trees

Since 2007, the Association Française d’Agroforesterie (AFAF) has been working to develop agroforestry in France, both on the agricultural scene and among the general public and institutions. The association is a platform for exchange and partnership between farmers, technical operators in agriculture and forestry, research, agricultural education, political decision-makers, local authorities and administrations.

The ‘Des Troupeaux et des Arbres’ project supported by the AFAF is part of a scientific approach to experimenting with the impact of fodder trees, such as the white mulberry, in a network of pilot livestock plots. Grass-fed livestock farming is an essential way of regenerating soils and their fertility, and therefore of combating climate change, through the meadows it allows to be integrated into crop rotations. The references thus created can be shared and adapted nationally, enabling these practices to be rolled out across all livestock farming regions.

By providing a secure source of food for their herds, trees make it possible to maintain livestock farming in areas where summer production from meadows is becoming increasingly uncertain, leading to fears that this activity will be abandoned in the medium term. Maintaining grazing livestock in agricultural areas is a fundamental factor in agronomic and economic resilience, and therefore in the sustainability of agriculture as a whole.

The project will run for 6 years, and is organised around 4 main stages:

  • Setting up pilot plots : designing and setting up each field trial (part of the project will be completed in 2020).
  • Definition of monitoring protocols : analysis of the relative benefits of different planting methods (rooted seedlings or cuttings) and management techniques (grazed or harvested coppice, pollarding) on system performance (productivity, food quality, profitability, etc.) in the short and medium term (changes over time, sustainability of practices).
  • Data collection and analysis : mobilisation of the Landfiles digital platform (capitalising on feedback from the field in agro-ecology and leading progress groups).
  • Dissemination of results : full technical report, information sheets, articles in the specialist press and video testimonials. Dissemination will be via all the AFAF’s sharing tools (Landfiles, website, newsletters, social networks).

How far has the project progressed?

During this second year of the project, 5 varieties of white mulberry were planted in 5 different contexts, for a total of 2,400 trees on 6 farms, on 2 farms in the Gers with similar contexts. As regards the collection of scientific data, the first training prunings and growth measurements were carried out on 50% of the trees planted.

This new knowledge on the integration of fodder trees has been shared with the association’s farmers and on social networks. On the Landfiles and LinkedIn platforms, the publications prompted reactions from farmers looking for references to help them quickly set up fodder tree plantations on their farms. Thanks to these spaces, trainers and researchers can share their observations on different species, including the mulberry tree, with the rest of the group.

Finally, as part of the Agr’eau programme, the Association Française d’Agroforesterie and all its partners presented the Cahiers de l’agro-écologie at the ‘Les Pyrénéennes’ trade fair in September 2021. The aim was to highlight the experiments carried out over the last two years by the network’s partner farmers.

The role of the setec Foundation

The setec Foundation is providing the AFAF with financial support for this project across all its activities. At the end of the 2020 call for projects on ‘Combating climate change in France’, it undertook to allocate a total of 20,000 euros to the organisation in order to bring the ‘Des Troupeaux et des Arbres’ project to a successful conclusion.

Rigorous monitoring is also organised throughout the year following the prize-giving, during which reports on the progress of the project are exchanged to ensure that the missions are being carried out properly and to identify any needs the association may have.

To find out more about the French Agroforestry Association, visit their website.

To keep up to date with the latest news from the setec Foundation and find out about the next winners of the annual call for projects and the Transition Fund, follow their LinkedIn page.



Key figures

20 000 euros