Annual Campaign 2020


The winners: players in the fight against climate change in France

The setec Foundation is delighted to announce the results of its first call for projects “Actors in the fight against climate change in France”.
At the end of the campaign conducted in autumn 2020, here are the winning projects, they will receive a grant of up to 20,000 euros:


Strengthening carbon sinks in the marine environment, supported by GIS Posidonie

This scientific project aims to define a strategy for reinforcing carbon sinks in the coastal marine environment along the eastern coast of southern Corsica, in the Bouches de Bonifacio Nature Reserve in Sant-Amanza Bay, and to set up an experimental pilot for the Posidonia meadow, website



Compagnonnage en Maraîchage Agroécologique, supported by Fermes d’Avenir

This agro-ecological market gardening project is aimed at 32 companions, including refugees. This project meets the need to renew the workforce and integrate people who are far from employment, while at the same time acting on the evolution of agricultural practices and the preservation of the environment over time. Website


Des Troupeaux et des Arbres, supported by the French Agroforestry Association

This multi-year project aims to set up a network of pilot plots in Creuse, Corrèze, Gers and Pyrénées Atlantiques (Adour-Garonne basin) to test and analyze in the field agroforestry technical itineraries integrating fodder trees into grass-fed livestock systems. It also includes specific experimentation with high-density mulberry trees on a pilot plot in the Gers. Website


What’s more, the jury* was particularly impressed by the work of two organizations, and decided to award a special prize for this first edition. The Jury’s Coup de Coeur prize was awarded to the following projects, along with a grant of 8,000 euros:


Flowering the future of women and the planet, supported by Du Pain & des Roses

This young association created in 2017 in Ile-de-France enables women with complex life paths to receive florist training based on respect for the environment (seasonality of flowers, choice of species etc.), while supporting the French flower market (local production) and raising awareness among professionals and consumers of the impact on the climate and the environment of intensive flower cultivation. website

Examples of bouquets sold in March 2021 ©Du Pain & des Roses

A global refuge for the trees of tomorrow, supported by the Marcel Kroenlein Arboretum

Created in 1989, the Marcel Kroenlein Arboretum, located in La Roure in the Alpes-Maritimes (South of France), is developing a Tree of Tomorrow Seed Bank. This multi-year project enables us to inventory species threatened by climate change and preserve them in this exceptional setting, which combines science, nature, the arts and intergenerational solidarity.

View from the arboretum in April 2021 – photo credit Laurent ODA

In addition to the grant it is awarding them in 2021, the setec Foundation is keen to support the development of all these projects and promote them among its network. Website


Figures from the setec Foundation’s first call for projects :

  • 74 applications
  • 8 candidates auditioned
  • 3 winners
  • 2 “Coup de Coeur” awards
  • 76,000 euros in grants awarded

The campaign and the step-by-step application evaluation process :

  • September 22 to November 24, 2020: project sponsors submit their applications online
  • November 24 to 30: evaluation of applications by the Fondation setec team, with the support of the Fondation de France
  • November 30: evaluation of shortlisted projects by engineers from setec group subsidiaries
  • December 2: selection by the Fondation setec Executive Committee of candidates to be auditioned
  • December 16: 8 candidates auditioned by the jury and deliberate.
  • January 12, 2021: Announcement of the results during the New Year’s address by Michel Kahan, Chairman of the setec Group and the setec Foundation.

*The jury for the auditions for the setec Foundation’s first call for projects was composed of :

Members of the setec Foundation Executive Committee:

  • Sophie Mougard, Director of the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussés (ENPC)
  • Michel Kahan, Chairman of the setec Group and the setec Foundation
  • Stéphane Bicocchi, Managing Director of setec énergie environnement
  • Jean-Bernard Datry, Director, setec TPI
  • Arnaud Moineville, Director, setec AS

Expert personalities:

  • Leila Badis, General Secretary, FAMAE impact fund
  • An-Gaelle Bénédic, Head of Foundations and Environment Programs, Fondation de France
  • Martin Robain, Founding Associate Architect ARCHITECTURESTUDIO, member of the French Academy of ArchitectureLa Fondation setec remercie Gaëlle Kergraisse, Responsable de fondations et programmes de la Fondation de France, pour son aide précieuse tout au long de cette campagne.
