
Supporting women’s emancipation by promoting inclusion and participation in sustainable urban development in their neighborhoods

Sensibiliser et soutenir l'enfance défavorisée à Lima, Pérou ...

The setec Foundation supports the Mano a Mano Peru association’s project as part of the Transition 2024 Fund.

The project aims to promote the emancipation of women living in Lima’s shantytowns, through sustainable neighborhood development.





The association

Since its creation in 1994 in the field of health, Mano a Mano Peru has gradually extended its actions to education and community development. After opening a center in La Merced in 2002, the association moved its activities to Los Jazmines in 2012, where it set up a pharmacy and a library.

Over the years, the association has enriched its offering with social, health and educational initiatives, actively involving young people and parents. In 2006, after working with the community to identify local challenges, a group of women builders was formed to address these issues. To date, they have built over 5,664 m² of urban infrastructure.

In a sector historically reserved for men, these construction training courses are transforming not only neighborhoods, but also perceptions of the role of women. They set an inspiring example for girls, showing that their potential extends far beyond domestic tasks, and that they can perform the same jobs as men.


Country context

The project is located in Peru, in the region and city of Lima. Between 2004 and 2019, the country succeeded in reducing the poverty rate from 38% to 20%. However, the COVID-19 pandemic marked a significant setback, plunging two million people into poverty. Today, 70% of people living in poverty live in urban areas, with the poverty rate reaching 32.5% in March 2024.


Area context:

The project targets 4 of the 40 marginalized communities of La Ensenada, an urban area of 40,000 inhabitants, mostly of Andean origin, living in conditions of extreme poverty on dangerous slopes. Among the 1,515 beneficiaries, 51% of whom are women, many suffer precarious living conditions that accentuate domestic violence and inequality, particularly for single mothers. The COVID-19 pandemic has compounded these challenges, leading to the closure of health services, economic hardship, and a lack of access to education for children, further increasing the vulnerability of untrained and abused women.

The project

Each community in La Ensenada is managed by leaders called “Dirigeants”, elected by all the families every two years. They are recognized by the town council and have legal power. The project, developed with neighborhood leaders, aims to replicate the Los Jazmines experience in new communities. The leaders have a legal status recognized by the mayor’s office. A 2-year commitment agreement is signed between Mano a Mano and the leaders.

It includes the construction of a new green space in Cerrito de La Libertad, the development of plans in four neighborhoods (Virgen del Carmen, Cerrito de La Libertad, Vista Hermosa and Los Jazmines), a socio-economic survey in Virgen del Carmen and the development of two new lanes in Los Jazmines. It also includes a women’s training and school support component. Finally, it also aims to strengthen the association, particularly in terms of communication around the project.



The 4 objectives of the project are :

  1. A group of 10 trained women continues to develop new green spaces in Los Jazmines and neighboring neighborhoods.
  2. Potentiate the production and enhancement of already developed green spaces.
  3. Contribute to the education of children and the empowerment of women who participate in the canteens.
  4. Institutional strengthening of Mano a Mano and the 4 communities



This project aims to support vulnerable communities by promoting the inclusion and participation of the most disadvantaged populations in a sustainable development approach. By involving women in various activities, such as construction or canteen management, it offers them the opportunity to achieve financial autonomy and escape extreme poverty.

Societal impact :

  • Strengthening community ties
  • Empowerment of women by offering them educational opportunities and involving them in decision-making.
  • Improved access to safety for women and children
  • Young volunteers, local and international, acquire skills while promoting intercultural understanding and peace.

Socio-economic impact :

  • Local food production
  • Emergence of a circular economy
  • Women become key players in community development.
  • Financial independence for women
  • Local economic development and food security

Environmental impact:

  • The construction of parks and alleyways reduces dust, heat, garbage deposits and poverty-related illnesses.
  • In Los Jazmines, with 11 m² of green space per inhabitant, no pandemic-related deaths were recorded, unlike in neighboring neighborhoods.
  • Increased biodiversity
  • Green spaces per capita remain below WHO standards.
  • Raising environmental awareness.


The project will be completed in November 2025


Role of the setec Foundation



The total budget for the project is 69,966 euros.

The setec Foundation is supporting the project with a contribution of 16,322 euros, intended to partially finance the purchase of equipment for the women, part of their training, the construction work, the preparation of technical files, as well as literacy courses.

Arnaud Giron, Project Director at setec international, is sponsoring the project and will be responsible for its follow-up and liaison with the setec Foundation.



Key figures

16 322 euros