ANI International


Eco-construction of a manioc processing unit for women in Lékié, Cameroon

Le projet

Dans le cadre de sa campagne annuelle de 2021 sur le thème de la construction durable en Afrique, la Fondation setec a débuté un partenariat avec l’association ANI International. ANI a proposé à la Fondation un projet de création d’une unité de transformation du manioc pour les femmes de la Lékié (Cameroun) en écoconstruction. Ce projet, prévu en douze mois, est co-financé par des partenaires tels que la Fondation Groupe EDF, la Ville de Paris ou encore la Fondation Abbé Pierre. Ce projet est donc divisé en une phase de réalisation des travaux, et une phase de formation aux techniques de transformation automatisées du manioc ainsi que la création d’une activité génératrice de revenus.

La construction durable

La première phase consiste en la rénovation de bâtiments préexistants ainsi que la construction de champ solaire pour parvenir aux besoins énergétiques du centre. Ce champ solaire, d’une superficie de 400m2, sera accompagné d’un local technique. En plus des bâtiments rénovés, 2 bâtiments vont être créés d’une surface de 35m2 chacun, ainsi qu’un forage et un château d’eau pour assurer les besoins en eau du centre. Les éléments en bois et en métal du bâtiment rénové (fenêtres, portes, grilles) ont pu être démantelés pour être rénovés, puis réinstallés, et préserver l’architecture d’origine du bâtiment en plus du souci réutilisation à vocation écologique.

Ce centre de transformation du manioc permettra l’autonomisation des femmes rurales de la Lékié en situation économique précaire, offrant la possibilité de commercialiser les produits issus de cette transformation. Il permettra d’offrir aux membres du réseau un espace de formation, mais aussi la construction d’un outil commun de transformation du manioc. Ce projet bénéficiera au moins 10 femmes avant la fin de son calendrier, qui auront déclaré une activité génératrice de revenus. A terme, 100 femmes du Réseau des Producteurs et Transformateurs de Manioc de la Lékié bénéficieront des retombées du projet.


The project

In the scope of its 2021 campaign on the theme of sustainable construction in Africa, the setec Foundation has initiated a partnership with the association ANI International. ANI came forward with a project of sustainable construction for a manioc transformation unit in Lékié (Cameroun). This project, planned over the span of 12 months, is co-financed by partners such as the EDF Group, the Mairie de Paris and the Abbé Pierre Foundation. It is thus divided into a first phase of construction work, and a second of formation to the techniques of automatized manioc transformation doubled with the creation of revenue-making activity for the beneficiaries.



The first phase consists in the renovation of preexisting and abandoned buildings, as well as the construction of a solar field to meet the needs in energy of the center. This solar field, which will be of a 400 square meters surface area, will be completed by a control room. In addition to the renovated buildings, two other buildings will be built from the ground up, of a surface area of 35 square meters each, as well as a drilling site and a water tower to meet the water needs of the center. The circular aspect of the construction resides in the renovation and reuse of the woodwork and metal pieces of the existing building such as windows, doors, barriers… These were detached from the building for renovation by a local craftsperson and then reinstalled and allowed for the original form of the building to be conserved in addition to the ecological benefit of this action.

This transformation center will allow the independence of women in rural Lékié in precarious economic situations, giving them the possibility to commercialize the products created through the transformation process of the unit. It will give access to the network’s beneficiaries a room for formation purposes as well as tools for transforming manioc free of charge. The project will benefit at least 10 women by the end of the construction, and over 100 women of the Manioc Producers and Transformers Network of the Lékié.

Project progress

In August, Norbert Kouawa, our setec Afrique collaborator, visited the site of the project in order to exchange with the association’s representatives and the project team. He gave the Foundation a summary of his visit in which he detailed the advancement of the construction work and his local interpretation of the impacts of the project. Thanks to his acute knowledge of the local stakes of construction projects in Cameroun, Norbert was able to give a most precise opinion; he saluted the work ANI International is doing for this rural women’s community and the impact it will have on their lives once finalized.


In 2022, the setec Foundation granted exceptional assistance to complete the construction of a cassava processing plant in Lekée (Cameroon), in view of the inflation affecting the cost of materials. To find out more about this project, you can view the association’s video by clicking here.

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Key figures

22 000 euros

3 000 euros