
Honey in Apricot, Haiti


Transition Funds 2021

The EHFA association is located in south-west Haiti, in the Grand’Anse department, in the Abricots commune. In Abricots, as elsewhere in Haiti, beekeeping remains a traditional activity practised without modern means of breeding and production. The “drum hives”, made from hollowed-out trunks, have no mobile frames and are therefore not very productive.

The “From Honey to Apricots” project aims to relaunch and secure a resource activity by training motivated beekeepers to improve their production techniques, so as to sustainably increase their income and contribute to the natural restoration of the region’s ecosystems, devastated by Hurricane Matthew in 2016. Indeed, the multiplication of pollinating bee colonies accompanies the re-establishment of spontaneous vegetation and the possibility of cultivating domestic species.

A setec Afrique employee has co-opted this project with the setec Foundation.



Find out more on their website:



Key figures

6 240 euros