Peabiru Institut



Renewal of partnership with Institut Peabiru for the Quilombo Solar II project

The setec Foundation supported the Peabiru Institute’s Quilombo Solar I project as part of the 2022 Annual Campaign on sustainable construction in Latin America. The aim of this project was to install sustainable energy infrastructures such as photovoltaic panels and public lighting, in a participatory approach involving the local community in the Quilombola region of Brazil.

The Quilombo Solar II project is a continuation of the first, with the aim of providing the Quilombola community with autonomous and sustainable access to water.

The setec Foundation renews its partnership with the Peabiru Institute with a contribution of 25,000 euros.

Objectives :

The aim of the project is to build two new water reservoirs and renovate the existing reservoir, which is in a poor state of repair.

To treat the water in the tanks, a solar pump will be installed by our partner IDEAAS.

The local population will be involved in the participative worksite and trained in the use and maintenance of these reservoirs, guaranteeing them access to water, generating income and reducing maintenance costs, in order to improve food security and quality of life in the area.

Missions :

The project is divided into several stages.

First, the teams of the various stakeholders will be identified and mobilized:

  • Peabiru Institute
  • The local community
  • The Hidrobrasiliera team, a Brazilian subsidiary of the setec group, which is supporting the structure on the technical side.

Following this, initial technical and feasibility analyses for the installation and renovation of the reservoirs will be carried out, supplemented by a survey of the local population to understand their needs. The site will then be prepared to receive deliveries of materials, so that work can begin.

At the same time, visits to the local community will be organized to involve local people in the work, and to train them through workshops.


Calendar :

The project began in February 2024 and should be completed by the end of the year.


News :

The setec Hidrobrasiliera team was able to carry out preliminary analyses enabling the first plans for the new reservoirs to be drawn up.

The Peabiru Institute is awaiting initial studies from partner IDEAAS for the installation of the solar pump.


Key figures

25 000 euros