The first selection session of the Transition Fund was organized in July 2021 during which 2 projects were rewarded. The setec Foundation has undertaken to pay a total of 10,600 euros to the winning structures.
What is the Transition Fund?
This is an initiative of the setec Foundation which, following requests from setec Group employees, decided to dedicate part of the endowment to finance projects outside the annual thematic call for projects. This year, the Transition Fund is endowed with 20,000 euros.
The two winning 2021 Transition Fund projects (July session) selected by the setec Foundation Executive Committee are the Palana Environnement association, the Entreprise des Possibles collective and EHFA.
Palana Environnement – Project “Net Sea”
Ghost net recovery dive. Palana Environment
The Palana Environnement association is based in Aix-en-Provence, France, and brings together some thirty members with diverse backgrounds, all of whom are passionate about the marine environment. It organizes underwater dives as part of several scientific research projects.
The Net-Sea project is part of this approach. It involves recovering “ghost nets”, abandoned fishing nets, and limiting their impact. In partnership with marine professionals, Palana Environnement is setting up dives to transplant coral threatened by these ghost nets, partly financed by the setec Foundation.
In 2020, around one tonne of ghost net was hauled up, representing almost 1000m of net. The 2021 objective is to carry out ten coral transplant dives, including two follow-up dives. The setec Foundation has chosen to support four of these dives to the tune of 5,600 euros.
A setec in vivo employee is involved in this association on a voluntary basis.
Find out more on their website :
L’Entreprise des Possibles – “Mobilizing for the most vulnerable” project
L’Entreprise des Possibles is an endowment fund created by a group of companies in the Lyon metropolitan area. Its aim is to help people who no longer have a decent roof over their heads, or who are at risk of becoming homeless, to reintegrate into society.
Together with their collaborators, and in liaison with the associative world, this Fund is mobilized to provide the most destitute with decent accommodation and social support, enabling them to rebuild their lives in the long term. These actions are made possible by pooling and redistributing human, financial and material resources to social and housing players working to combat extreme poverty.
By April 2021, the number of people sheltered by this scheme had risen to 600. The setec Foundation is supporting Entreprise des Possibles in the management and implementation of these activities to the tune of 5,000 euros.
Employees of the South-East branch of setec opency (formerly Planitec BTP) are involved in this Fund on a voluntary basis.
Find out more on their website:
EHFA – Projet “Du Miel aux Abricots”
L’association EHFA est une structure située au Sud-Ouest d’Haïti, dans le département de la Grand’Anse, dans la commune des Abricots. Aux Abricots comme partout en Haïti, l’apiculture demeure une activité traditionnelle pratiquée sans moyens modernes d’élevage et de production Les « ruches tambours », faites de troncs évidés, sont dépourvues de cadres mobiles et donc peu productives.
Le projet « Du Miel aux Abricots » vise à relancer et sécuriser une activité-ressource par la formation d’apiculteurs motivés à améliorer leurs techniques de production, de manière à augmenter de façon pérenne leurs revenus et à contribuer à la restauration naturelle des écosystèmes de la région, dévasté par le cyclone Matthew en 2016. En effet, la multiplication de colonies d’abeilles pollinisatrices accompagne la réinstallation des végétations spontanées et la possibilité de cultiver des espèces domestiques.
Un collaborateur de setec Afrique a coopté ce projet auprès de la Fondation setec.
En savoir plus sur leur site :
Proposez un projet au Fonds Transition !
Les candidatures doivent être déposées par des collaborateurs via ce formulaire disponible sur l’intranet du groupe.