Teasing: the 2024 Annual Campaign underway!


Theme: Excess or shortage of water in relation to climate change


This year, the setec Foundation’s Annual Campaign runs from February to November, involving some fifteen employee volunteers.




The theme of the 2024 Annual Campaign attracts a rich pool of players. The setec Foundation has the opportunity to discuss and study applications from various types of organization, including large foundations, small local associations and public bodies such as regional nature parks.


As for the projects, they are very interesting and diverse. Some are action-research programs, while others focus on participatory science in various forms…


Geographical diversity is also an important factor: mainland France, Cameroon, Senegal, Morocco…




February – April 2024 (past)

The campaign theme was decided by the setec Foundation Executive Committee at the end of 2022. In early 2023, the operational team launched a call for volunteers among setec employees to take part in the pre-selection of projects. The employees who volunteered were also able to share their expertise to refine the framework documents (concept definitions, selection criteria, etc.) for the Annual Campaign.


March – July 2023 (ongoing)

The second stage involved sourcing potential structures presenting a project in line with the theme. The volunteers drew on the setec Foundation’s contact database and their own networks. During this stage, the volunteers acted as intermediaries between the structures and the setec Foundation’s operational team, presenting the campaign and helping the structures to formalize their applications.


July – September 2023 (ongoing)

The last application files arrived at the end of July, and then the operational team and volunteers entered the pre-selection phase. A workshop is organized so that the volunteers, accompanied by experts in the field, can pre-select 8 projects.


September – November 2023 (coming soon)

This fourth stage is divided into 2 audition sessions for the remaining 8 projects. They are auditioned by the setec Foundation’s jury:

  • COMEX members: Anne-Marie Choho, Valérie Bernahrdt, Jean-Bernard Datry , Stéphane Bicocchi, Eric Philippon and Bernard Idrac
  • A guest member of the Fondation de France: Ninon Tardivel (setec Foundation referent within the Fondation de France)
  • The Fondation setec operational team: Marie Hommeau, Constance Laloye and Léa Schmitt.


The auditions take place in a hybrid format, with the jury in person and the auditioned structures in remote mode. They all have 20 minutes for presentation and 15 minutes for questions and answers. The jury uses a grid of criteria to decide between projects.

At the end of these two audition sessions, the members of the Executive Committee, the setec Foundation’s decision-making body, select the projects they like best, based on the budget allocated to this lever, i.e. 130,000 euros.

